Entries by Stefan Willimann

SIGMA Data Insights Announces Partnership with 5W Strategists

SIGMA Data Insights Announces Partnership with 5W Strategists ROCHESTER, NY, March 14, 2022 – SIGMA Data Insights (SIGMA) announced their partnership with 5W Strategists (5W), a data and analytics services company based in Charlottesville, Virginia. The partnership provides SIGMA the opportunity to expand its service offerings and gain valuable IT, Development and Data Analytics support […]

Data Assessment and Initial Strategy Implementation

Challenge Belchim Crop Protection USA, LLC (Belchim), an agrochemical/biological company wanted to explore the opportunity to move forward with a more datacentric approach to support an enhanced understanding of their customers, the market, and their opportunities for growth. Belchim was interested in doing an initial investigation of their key data sources to identify business insights […]

Data Assessment For Strategic Insights

Challenge An agricultural crop protection manufacturer was looking to determine how their internal data sources could help inform strategic business decisions for the upcoming crop year. The company had been collecting customer and product sales data consistently for a few years but an assessment of the quality and completeness of the data had never been […]

Starting Your Data Journey

Business Challenge The decision to begin investigating and using your company’s data to gain insights is one that can lead to immense ongoing benefits, but beginning a data journey can be a significant undertaking. For most organizations at the beginning of this journey, data is scattered throughout your organization in different formats, within different systems, […]

Client Success Case Study: Highly Targeted Prospects for New Product Marketing

Highly Targeted Prospects for New Product Marketing The SIGMA team helped our agricultural sciences client to identify a highly targeted prospect list for new product marketing based on real client data. The result was an estimated 40% return on investment. Challenge An agricultural sciences company focused on crop protection and precision technology, required a strategic […]

The Importance of Culture at SIGMA

Stefan Willimann, our passionate CEO, shares his thoughts on the culture at SIGMA: I recently came across the following quote on LinkedIn, and it really resonated with me.   “The definition of failure is defined this way. When your life is over, the person you are meets the person you could have been.”   Does […]

9 Key Marketing Metrics Every Company Should Measure

When organizations begin to standardize marketing measurements across their sales channels, business units and media, they will better track Brand Equity, Market Share, Marketing ROI, and Product and Customer Profitability. Here are 9 metrics every marketing organization can be measuring: Multichannel marketers are tracking the costs to generate traffic to their sites from all possible […]

“Smart” Data Can Help You Align Marketing and Sales

Sales and marketing team alignment is more important than ever! Our partner Hubspot reports that companies that get marketing and sales working together not only generate 208% more revenue from their marketing efforts – but they see 36% higher customer retention and 38% higher sales win rates.

Creating Smart Data

If you and your team are spending time trying to wrangle all your various data feeds to find a way to create opportunities for your organization — there is a way to streamline your efforts. You don’t need to find a home for, and a way to use all your data — just the “smart data”.